Monday, February 4, 2008

Goal Complete!

I managed to find enough nodes this weekend to level mining from 250 to 300 and I had fun doing it. I started in Burning Steppes and Un’Goro Crater where I located enough small thorium to level to 275. Eastern and Western Plaguelands provided enough rich thorium to skill me the rest of the way to 300. Now I am excited to start mining the outlands using my flying mount. I hope that I will be able to make good money with mining in the future.

Other good times this weekend included running my youngest son (22 gnome warlock) through Wailing Caverns. Although the dungeon was very easy at my level I had never been to Wailing Caverns before so we had a great time. With the help of some friends in the guild we also helped my oldest son (63 night elf hunter) make his way through The Blood Furnace for the first time. Great weekend!

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